Prayed for This Job, Now What? Authenticity and Faith at Work

Authenticity and faith are common themes in my conversations and this blog. Reflecting on the interplay between authenticity, faith, and the workplace, we should inject an "Oh my" into that mix of words. Where exactly should we draw the line? What constitutes going too far? For Christian individuals, how should we navigate expressing this integral aspect of our identity in settings where conversations about God, religion, politics, and firearms are off-limits - those topics forbidden at the office water cooler? Side note – I've been working remotely for a long time. Do water coolers still exist in office spaces?

I have the privilege of guiding executives, business proprietors, serial entrepreneurs, and others who are balancing the demands of life while remaining devoted followers of Jesus. Their struggles are not unheard of. Topics range from ethical dilemmas to confrontations with expectations that contradict Jesus' teachings. Sometimes, chasing the bag strays from the path laid out in scripture. Sometimes, you want to give a customer a piece of your mind, but the Holy Spirit says, "Hold up." Sometimes, leadership asks for some doctoring on numbers that doesn't feel as honest as it should.
Many experiences feel like mini tests of who we are authentically and who we're striving to be as Believers. In my professional experience, there were moments when I had to consider what was right not only for the company but also for my soul. If I'm being honest, I haven't always gotten it right. It's not always black and white, and sometimes a splash of yellow pops out!

Every day, we're walking the line, trying our best, but it can be a challenge to do that while showing up as ourselves authentically and not getting fired from a job that we probably prayed for and received. I know we're all doing the best we can, but can we please get a blueprint and an Amen?
In my journey of leading remarkable companies and coaching present-day clients down a similar path, a few thoughts come to mind.
Go to the source. Through Jesus, we have direct communion with God - amazing! I call on Him all day and every day. We can discern when things are amiss or align with His will by consistently inviting Him into coaching sessions, executive meetings, or any aspect of our lives. As Christians, we are called into a relationship with God, walking hand in hand with Him through life's twists and turns, knowing we are not alone. It is imperative to cultivate a routine of seeking Him in every circumstance, including how we present ourselves and represent Him. Immerse ourselves into His Word and engage in prayer.
Define our spiritual and individual identity with clarity. Spend dedicated time comprehending our values, God-given talents, and assignments that align with His divine plan for our lives. To show up authentically, we have to do the work of actually knowing who we are.
Practice and give ourselves grace. We won't always get this right, and that's ok. Mistakes are inevitable. Embrace failure as a stepping stone for growth. We have a partner in God that won't leave us on this life-long journey.
Seek additional support from coaches, spiritual mentors, and friends/family. We're not alone, and there's probably someone who has gone through something similar or can help you expand your perspective. Having a Coach who is also a Christian has provided me with not only empowerment and encouragement in myself but has also helped me grow closer to God and keep Him within the conversations, helping me determine how I want to show up and be accountable.
Find the balance. Look, we're part of the world, so seek to create and maintain boundaries that still align with your workplace policies and expectations. There are diverse perspectives in the workplace and elsewhere, and we must ensure that our authenticity is still professional and reflects integrity.

Showing up authentically as ourselves and as Christians in diverse settings poses challenges, yet it is a privilege at the end of the day. We illuminate God's grace to others, prompting curiosity about what makes us different. Embodying our true selves regardless of the environment demonstrates growth and our journey toward becoming the individuals we are destined to be.
Navigating the challenges of being a business owner, executive, or corporate leader while staying true to your Christian faith can be challenging. You face ethical dilemmas, conflicting expectations, and the constant balancing act of maintaining your values in a demanding environment.
At Full Out Coaching, we believe in coaching the whole person. This means you can bring your entire self to the table—faith and all—to reach your fullest potential.
Book a complimentary discovery session today to explore how we can support you in navigating these challenges, staying authentic, and leading with integrity.
